Updating of thorns.....

on some of the gutter's finials, finally accomplished.
Great teamwork with the tinsmith, my design and finishing 
 coats of paint (along with some others stuff I prefer not to mention)
 to achieve the the right surface matching the new roofing tiles,
 glazed in black.
The extreme and cold weather is hard on the roofers, they are 
using the 7 hrs daylight efficiently and then really deserve a
 good rest. I've never heard so much giggling and laughter
during the day on my roof ever before. Great spirit, thanks guys!
Jag är glad för vissa traditioner som går av rena farten i huset, 
speciellt vid Jul. Just nu svischar dagarna förbi med jobb, benen är 
rätt tunga, fortfarande. En liten vila ovanför trappan är rätt skönt.
Husets tolkning av Lusselelle får hänga med ett tag till.
Tomorrow is set aside for the foundry, moulding reproductions
of the pinnacles. This is the original.

❤Hej å hå❤


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