Uttråkat läge.....

för små katter i vinterkylan.
Längtar ut liksom, men vädret är inte bättre på någon sida av huset.
Sen en massa byggnadsställningar högt o lågt med en massa bråte!
Winter is hard on us cats right now, I prefer a warm cosy
linen duvet and some shearling on top of me.
Bye the way, I was finally caught in action in the middle of last night,
 for drinking from Mum's glass of water, even though I have my own  
bowl on her bedside table. She's been suspecting me for some time.

Verified with an Iphone camera!
She loves me just the same.

P.s.  Ia says hi, she's busy acting as a henchman for the roofers,
painting watercups and gutters while also dealing with orders in the workshop
as always close to Christmas.


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