5 things...

Inspired by Kylie's 5 things series and a question from Sara in her online community forum, I am about to start a series of posts about 5 things you can create, do or provide for your baby in each month of their first year of life.

To kick things off, here are 5 things your newborn may need...

  1. Your newborn’s consciousness revolves around their immediate physical experiences. Prepare a womb-like sleeping environment by making a Cestina (a traditional Montessori sleeping basket used during the symbiotic period)
  2. Your baby needs to get used to being carried and held. Help them to feel secure by making a Topponcino (a small, soft, flexible mattress useful for carrying baby, holding baby and transferring a sleeping baby from place to place). You can buy a Topponcino from Maria, in Greece.
  3. Your greatest opportunity to connect with your new baby is through your caregiving routines. Prepare the area for physical care (nappy changes, dressing) so that you can offer unhurried quality connection time
  4. The transition from the womb to the outside world is dramatic. Ensure that your baby has continued access to the points of reference they established in utero, to help ease into their new environment (Maternal points of reference include the mother’s heartbeat and voice, Infant points of reference are the ability to move, the ability to touch the face and mouth, the ability to move the hands)
  5. Your baby began preparing for a new rhythm of living in the final weeks of pregnancy. These biological rhythms need to be respected so that the newborn can complete their adaptation to the outside world. Babies naturally sleep when they are tired, and eat when they are hungry. Be a sensitive observer of their signals to facilitate this natural development

this the first post in a series of twelve
next post in this series


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