5 things...the second month

  1. Learn the art of infant massage – this will help you to calm an unsettled baby, and will provide valuable opportunities to connect on a physical level. It also answers your baby’s need for face to face time, which is essential for their beginning language development

  2. Your baby will be ready to transition into their floor bed sometime in these four weeks. A floor bed will allow your baby to see and move freely – both important conditions needed in the sensitive period for the development of internal order

  3. A mirror at floor level will give your little one a view of themselves and will help them to become more aware of themselves, and their body movements

  4. Place art work at eye level for your baby, and rather than having many pieces, avoid visual clutter by choosing and placing one piece and changing it out when your baby loses interest

  5. The Visual Mobile Series can be started during this month. Begin with the Munari Mobile which is designed to capture your child’s limited visual capabilities and stimulate their inherently mathematical mind

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